Argentiinan Antarktis äänessä 21.1. 15 UTC

Argentiinan Antarktis äänessä 21.1. 15 UTC

LRA 36 RADIO NACIONAL ARCANGEL SAN GABRIEL presents “UNIENDO Voces” (“Joining voices” , would be a possible translation from the original name in Spanish). This is a special program produced  together with RAE (Radiodifusión Argentina al Exterior) and dedicated to shortwave listeners, DXers and radio amateurs from all over the world.

The broadcast will take place on SATURDAY JANUARY 21 at 15 UTC with a repeat at 19 UTC on the frequency of 15476 KHz  (USB) in the 19 meter band and will count with the participation of Adrian Korol, Director of RAE and Juan Benavente, member of the Antarctic Joint Command, together with Marcelo Ayala, journalist of Radio Nacional who conducts during January from LRA36 the morning “Panorama Informativo” for all the stations of the network of the Argentine Public Radio.
The contents include live interviews, interesting material from the sound archive of LRA36 such as audios of its first transmission, different IDs, audios of listenings of DXers in different times, and material from LA ROSA DE TOKIO, the program of Omar Somma and Arnaldo Slaen, who is the DX Editor of RAE.
This year is very important for LRA36. During the month of February, the shortwave transmission and radiating system will be evaluated and measured in order to provide a NEW SHORTWAVE TRANSMITTER to the beloved Antarctic transmitter, and the 10 KW CCA transmitter will also be returned to the mainland for repair.
A new antenna will also be installed for the FM signal on 96.7 MHz, which will broadcast with a power of 250 watts (currently it runs with 25).
As always we look forward to your comments and reception reports at
IG: lra36radionacional
FB: Arcangel San Gabriel – Antarctica

One comment on “Argentiinan Antarktis äänessä 21.1. 15 UTC
  1. Kari Kallio sanoo:

    Re: [WOR] Antarctica. Special broadcast of 15476 LRA 36 announced for next Jan 28. Adrian Korol, RAE, as I read it in Facebook, tells that LRA 36 next broadcast will take place on coming Saturday 28, at 12 LU, 15:00 UTC and then, the rebroadcast at 16 LU, 19:00 UTC on 15476 khz USB.
    Okay, I learned that it’s happening to be difficult to put the signal into Europe and North America, as they are only 500 W pwr, despite the higher level of solar activity… but then, they there are.
    73 de Horacio Nigro, Uruguay, Jan 24. ..//..

    Manuel Méndez Lugo, Spain
    “According to a WhatsApp received from LRA 36, every Saturday at 1200 Argentina time, 1500 UTC will be on air the summer program “Uniendo Voces”.According to this whatsapp, it seems to be understood that there will be no program on Wednesday..” WOR
    Another WhatsApp received right now, clarification of the previous one from the station; “This program is only a summer special, it is broadcast on Saturdays at 1200 Argentinian time, with repetition at 1600. In March we will begin to transmit the first programs of the previous season and there will be program on Wednesdays.” MM

Vastaa käyttäjälle Kari Kallio Peruuta vastaus

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Suomen DX-Liitto

Annankatu 31-33 C 49 c
Käynti sopimuksen mukaan.

(Radiomaailma-lehti ja jäsenasiat): Toimisto

044 0223 030 (arkisin 11-18)

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SDXL:n nettivastaanottimet

Suomen DX-liiton aktiiviset KiwiSDR -asemat

SDXL-PAL, Enontekiö, Pallas NTi MegaDipol MD300DX (V)

SDXL-IIT, Iitti Temporary short dipole

SDXL-LOH1, Lohja:, 400m beverage 315 ast.

SDXL-MAA, Maakeski, Super-KAZ 220°

SDXL-KOL, Kolari, 800m LW 90°-270°

SDXL-VIR, Virrat BOG 170m 250°, antenniongelmia, korjataan kun ehditään

Testiasema: Kotka, SDXL-Kotka#1, testissä milloin mitäkin, lähinnä antenneja. Ja ei aina linjoillakaan.

Tiedossa olevia muita, jäsenten tai jäsenyhdistysten omia asemia:

Enontekiö, Pallas NTi MegaLoop

FX Enontekiö, Pallas Dressler ARA-60

Joensuu MR/Karelia MW DX Various antennas 250-600m

Korpilahti RHA2 long wire 430m@58°

Korpilahti RHA3 long wire 240m@320°

Kotka Itäranta#1 Mini-Whip by PA0RDT

Kotka Itäranta#2 Wellbrook ALA1530LN

Kotka Itäranta#3 WellGood V3 Active loop, Ø1,60m

Parainen 80m Horisontaalidipoli

Raisio RHA1 Folded dipole for 48 or 75m

Tampere TreDXK#1 80m horisontaalidipoli

Tampere TreDXK#2 Beverages: 2115-1115z 830m@278°, 1115-2115z 340m@60°

Tampere TreDXK#3 long wire 400m@300°

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Radiomaailma 1/2025 ilmestyy 27.1.2025 alkavalla viikolla. Seuraavan numeron aineisto-stopdate on 5.3.2025. Radiomaailman ilmestymisaikataulu 2025. RM-kansi 5/24


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voi tilata myös sähköpostilla (klikkaa kuorta). Viimeisin WRTH 2025 hintaan 45 € + toimitusmaksu 8,50 € / tilaus. Jäsenmaksun yhteydessä 49 € sis. postit. Kysy tarkemmin tarvikepalvelun sähköpostiosoitteesta. WRTH_2025 Antenneilla aalloille -perusteoksen hinta on 19,50 € + toimituskulut 9 € (koko toimitukselle). Voit tilata myös sähköpostilla (klikkaa kuorta): DX-Tarvikepalvelu Sisällysluettelo: klikkaa kannen kuvaa alla! kansi_aa_2016

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