Trends in tropical bands broadcasting 2017
by Anker Petersen, editor of the Domestic Broadcasting Survey
Since DSWCI published its first Tropical Bands Survey in 1973, I have registered which stations are active, based upon loggings from our members and other DX-ers around the world. Here is an updated status where Clandestine and Pirate stations not are included.
During the past year the previous trend, that Tropical shortwave stations slowly disappear, continued throughout the world. The reason is, that other media get higher priority, than keeping elderly shortwave transmitters alive. This year we had a big loss of 24 frequencies compared to last year’s total of 138, particularly because the Australian Northern Territories and several South American stations ceased broadcasting.
Here are some domestic broadcasting stations on the Tropical Bands, which have closed down during the past year:
kHz kW Station Country Last log
2325 50 VL8T, Tennant Creek, NT Australia JAN17
2485 50 VL8K, Katherine, NT Australia JAN17
4409,8 0,5 R Eco, Reyes, Beni, Balliván Bolivia FEB16
4451,2 1 R Santa Ana, S. A.del Yacuma Bolivia JAN16
4750 20 RRI Makassar, Sulawesi Indonesia MAY16
4754,9 10 R Imaculada Conceição, MS Brazil FEB16
4755,5 1 The Cross R, Pohnpei Micronesia MAY15
4760 1 ELWA, Monrovia Liberia JUN15
4780 50 R Djibouti, Dorale Djibouti FEB15
4795,9 3 R Lipez, Uyuni, Potosi Bolivia AUG16
4825 10 R Canção Nova, SP Brazil FEB16
4835 50 VL8A, Alice Springs, NT Australia JAN17
4880 50 AIR, Lucknow, Uttar Pradesh India MAR16
4885 5 R Dif. Acreana, Rio Branco,AC Brazil FEB16
4895 10 Mongolian R, Murun Mongolia JAN15
4910 50 VL8T, Tennant Creek, NT Australia JAN17
4914,9 10 R Dif. Macapá, Macapá, AP Brazil NOV15
4940 1 R San Antonio, Villa Atalaya Peru JUL15
4990 50 AIR, Itanagar, Arunachal Pr. India SEP15
5010 ? Voice of China Jamming China MAR16
5010 100 R Taiwan Int., Kouhu Taiwan MAR16
5025 50 VL8K, Katherine, NT Australia JAN17
5035,1 5 R Rio Mar, Manaus, AM Brazil JUL16
5460 ? R Bolivar, Bolivar, La Libertad Peru FEB16