Epäonninen Radio Nord Revival 7-8.3.2021 vaikeni
Update: Radio Nord Revival off air due to technical problems: Dear radio friends, we sadly have to inform you that the high power rectifier of the 5 kW transmitter broke down last night and Bernt reports that he doesn’t have the necessary parts.
You can still listen through www.streamer.com and for instance www.radion.nu. The stream will go on until midnight today, the day on which Radio Nord started 60 years ago.
On March 8 it will be 60 years since the start of our beloved station Radio Nord. We are celebrating this by special transmissions on SW from the Sala shortwave transmitter at Ringvalla, owned by Bernt Nyberg. Power is 10 kW.
Radio Nord Revival will be on the air during weekend March 7-8. Further information and programme schedule on www.radionordrevival.blogspot.com as well as in the Facebook group Radio Nord Revival.
Happy listening! /Ronny Forslund-RFK