EDXC 2017 Conference, SDXL Summer Meeting in Tampere


EDXC Conference, Tampere (Finland), 18-20 August 2017

EDXC Tampere 2017 Agenda

Please look also Spouse program for non-dx activities during the conference.

Friday 18th of August 2017

14.00 DX-reception will be opened

16.00 Opening of the meeting and the flag ceremony

16.15 Anker Petersen: How the EDXC was born
-Anker Petersen is a longtime DXer and founding member of the EDXC. He is also known for his longtime annual publications Tropical Bands Survey and Domestic Broadcasting Survey

17.00 Dinner

18.00 Risto Vähäkainu: Brief history of the EDXC
-Risto Vähäkainu is former secretary general of the EDXC and former president of the FDXA

19.00 Jim Solatie: DX travelling around the world (including a small competitions)
-Jim Solatie is one of the top DXers of the FDXA and he is known as a very impressive and encouraging speaker

20.00-22.00 The Finnish sauna (and lake swimming) available

21.00-23.00 Welcome reception (including some snacks and beverages)

Saturday 19th of August 2017

07.30-09.00 Breakfast

09.30-12.15 Key topic AM listening, session hosted by Ismo Kauppi

09.30-10.30 Jon Hudson: latest news about SDRplay Ltd and their RSP products
-Jon Hudson, UK, is a director at SDRplay Ltd and a radio amateur.

10.30-11.15 Tapio Kalmi: AM DXing in the Information Age.
-Tapio Kalmi is an active medium DXer and KOJE editor. He will discuss about different data sources for AM DXers and how to use the information.

11.30-12.15 Kirsti Kauristie: Space weather.
-Kirsti Kauristie, PhD, is a researcher at the Finnish Meteorlogical Institute (FMI). She will discuss upon details of ionosphere and also other layers having impact on distant radio reception. A forecast on the approaching solar minimum will be included.

11.30-13.00 Lunch

13.00-15.30 Sightseeing by bus

13.00-15.00 Presentations in the Finnish language or in the Tampere dialect / Tampereenkiälinen ohjelmaosio

13.00-14.00 13.00-14.00 N-kämpän tarinoita / Story of the Niihama DX Cabin
-DX Cabin in Niihaman Luhtaanranta is the legendary DX-pedition site of the Tampere DX Club. Jouni Keskinen will lead us through the past and present of this leading AM-DX-QTH in southern Finland. The presentation will include a lot of pictures and audio clips, so you might be able to follow even though you don’t speak the Tampere dialect fluently.

14.00-15.30 Tampere DX Club’s 50-years celebration session / Tampereen DX-kuuntelijat 50 vuotta-juhlasessio. (This session might requiry advanced knowledge of the Tampere dialect).
-TreDXK – heavy DX action since 1967! Some flashbacks from the long and energetic DX journey in the heart of the Pirkanmaa province. This partly interactive presentation is hosted by Jukka Virtanen.

16.00-16.30 Pasi Komsi: Pispalan Radio
-Pispalan Radio operates in the Tampere area on both AM and FM. Radio Director Pasi Komsi will tell the story of this unique station.

16.30-18.30 FM Corner

16.30-17.30 Presentations by Jukka Kotovirta
-2017 summer season in a nutshell
-New research on Sporadic E
-Jukka Kotovirta is a board member and former President of FDXA. His passion in radio has always been in the FM side.

17.30-18.30 FM related quizzes
-ID competition of the best catches of 2017, Jukka Soini
-Video Killed the Radio Star? Quiz on the greatest radio related songs, Jopi Nyman and Jussi Suokas
-Jukka Soini, Jopi Nyman and Jussi Suokas are all active Finnish DXers and regular participants of DXpeditions.

19.00-23.00 EDXC Banquet
-jubileum dinner
-FDXA awards
-DX auction

Sunday 20th of August 2017

08.00-09.00 Breakfast

09.30-10.30 EDXC club meeting (open to everybody) conducted by Kari Kivekäs and Jan-Mikael Nurmela
-Kari Kivekäs is secretary general and Jan-Mikael Nurmela assistant secretary general of the EDXC

10.30-11.30 Mika Mäkeläinen: Q & A: How to get a QSL from a Chinese station?
-Mika Mäkeläinen is a well-known Finnish top DXer. He works for the YLE Television and he has currently returned home from a two-years’ period as correspondent in Beijing, China.

11.30-13.00 Lunch

12.30-13.00 Dan Goldfarb: mwmasts.com
-Dan Goldfarb, UK has for long collected data of medium wave masts and transmitters to a huge spreadsheet. Now his project is moving into a new level: the data will be available on his website.

13.00-13.45 Toshimichi Ohtake: Radio Listening in Japan, Past, Present and Future
-Toshi Ohtake started his radio listening in early 1950’s. He has been active within Japan SW Club for decades. In his presentation Toshi will include stories about great MW catches made in Japan.

13.45-14.00 The flag ceremony and the final words of the meeting

Spouse Program

The Ladies of the DXers at the Finnish DX Association have planned a special program for spouses and all other companying people coming to the EDXC Conference. The coordinator is Mrs. Eija Parikka, eijakparikka at gmail dot com. Please send your comments, questions and registrations to Eija.

Saturday 19th of August

09.30 A walk on the Pyynikki ridge to the sight-seeing tower. Totally 3-4 kms.

13.00 The sightseeing tour of Tampere (all participants must book for this, cost 20 euros). At the end of the tour the spouse program will take you to the Vapriikki museum which a large and versatile museum with several exhibitions. The ticket to the museum is not included, it is 10-12 euros. A joint return to Varala will be arranged.

Sunday 20th of August

09.30 A tournament of the famous Finnish garden play Mölkky (becoming popular in Central Europe, too). Ladies challenging men!

During the conference The Lady Group will have a flea market, a table where you can get nice quality souvenirs.

Do also take a good look at the miniature of the Lemmenjoki DX shack. This piece of arts has been constructed by Eija Parikka.
