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LEM DXpedition News of 2008-2009 Season

LEM276 08MAR2009-14MAR2009
Martti Karimies (MKA)
La Plata and Brazil with good signals, both around 23 utc and again at sunrise, peaking at 0430 utc. Radio Colonia 550 had a nice signal for example. A very nice week in general, especially with Japanese and other Asian stations.
Loads of challenges with antennawires 300, 335, 358 and 30 degrees, as LEM275 had, too. The problem is most likely in the grounding, except with the 300 wire, which just is too old and as LEM275 said, should be replaced with a totally new wire next autumn.
Lemmenjoki QTH is signing off now. We will be back in September/October.
Very interesting and fastmoving conditions: at first Brazil, then La Plata, then NA, then Venezuela, Colombia, Cuba, Puerto Rico, then again NA. In the evening Asia quite well, eg. Radio Kansai 1395. Also Thai and Indian stations. Besides listening, so far I have been walking 42 km this week.
Pretty much like the previous days: good NA and moderate Japan cx.
On Tuesday poor NA but good Asia, especially Japan. JOPG NHK1 Kushiro 585 kHz was among the best catches with local weather report at 1255 UTC.
On Sunday evening some Japanese stations. On Monday quite good NA until 09 utc, in the evening a good opening to Japan.
LEM275 Part 2: 28FEB2009-07MAR2009
Håkan Sundman and Jim Solatie
Very poor conditions, CH 361 has really showed its power. However, a very short but extremely sharp NA opening resulting in once-in-a-lifetime catches like KSIB Creston, IA 1520 - being my 9th NA station from that frequency. Also KDIO 1350, KHEY 1380 and KVCK 1450.
Mixed conditions on Monday and Tuesday with some nice moments of NA, LA and Asia. Loggings of interest include AIR Kargil 684, KUBR-1210, WLJW-1370, WLCM-1390, KMAJ-1440, KBBS-1450 and XEUN-860. Our aim is to have the loggings on the Online Log fairly regularly.
LEM275 continues, now live with HS and JMS:
On Saturday excellent evening conditions to China. On Sunday morning a superb 30 minute opening to Orinoco, perhaps one of the best ones ever. NA was poor. In the evening Asia booming again. Details at Online Log.
LEM275 Part 1: 17FEB2009, 19FEB2009 and automated SDR recordings.
Jim Solatie
While enjoying great skiing in Levi, I decided to drive to Lemmenjoki on two mornings. Both sunrises, the 17th and 19th February were very interesting, resulting in many new stations: WIBW 580, XEFZ 660, KJJQ 910, KUBR 1210, Callao Super Radio 1400, XECU 1450 and KOLM 1520.
Listening in the cabin with -32 Celsius inside was a bit challenging though. More details can be found at Online Log.
LEM274 24JAN2009-07FEB2009
Jan-Erik Österholm and Pertti Äyräs
Conditions good to excellent during the period, with the expection of the last 24 hours that generally were lousy. We noted however a rather nice peruvian opening around 06 UTC this morning, February 4 with stations from the Arequipa-regin, e.g. R Melodia 1220 (easy catch on 49 mb).
February 2-3 offered the maybe best Orinoco-Caribbean cx in our DX-careers.
The brains starts to get tired and the memory capacity is closing up. Two days to go before closing, but we are not sad about this, rather reliefed. Work will be ahead for months and years to come. That's what DX-life is today.
We will deliver a final close up during the weekend - but already now we know that these two weeks have been some of the best we have experienced.
29-30.1 were poorer than during the earleir days. Nights poor and Brasil and La Plata still weak during night hours. However rather good SA-cx during morning hours and NA during daytime. Even though the Austarlian X-band was opened we had not a special focus on these.
29.1-30.1 rather standard conditions. 30-31.1 very strong Caribbean and Orinoco from ca. 23-08 UTC with several nice cathches to be fou nd after listening to the files. Some loggings can be mentioned e.g. WTIL Mayaguez 1300, KERR 750, KGMI 790, huge amount of Cubans and PR included. Mostly east coast and mid-west during 8-10 UTC after we went to Ivalo to fill up with food etc for the coming week.
Conditions a little poorer than during the earlier days. Night lousy, still not any good Brasil/La Plata cx. Conditions improved dramatically during the early morning hours around 6 UTC. Many mexicans during several hours (e.g. XEDRD, Durango 820 etc) and a very strong mid-west giving some new catches such as KOEL Olerwein IA 950. Also, one hour earlier nice catches from East Coast, e.g. WTAQ Worcester and many more. More than a week to go and a couple of terabytes already safely stored.
Excellent conditions continues. Although no daytimers during early evening, rather good La Plata and Brasil all over the band. Starting around 0030 excellent Orinoco and Caribbean that lasted to around 5 UTC. Then a lot of Californians (KOGO 600) etc) and Nevada (720 etc) during the morning hours up to 11 UTC.
Sorry for not writing the prevevious mail in EE! As noted, 24-25.1 we experienced extremely good conditions between 21-15 utc. As we have been informed, conditions were excellent all the way to the souhternmost parts of Finland. During the last 24 hrs conditions were not as good - but good. Band opened around 21 UTC but after 00 UTC the conditions were "everything from everywhere" so we decided to let the Perseus/SDR-IQ do the recordings and went to sleep. Around 4 UTC very strong CA&Orinoco but MEX almost absent. After 11 UTC the cx locked up in Alaska and we went out walking and swetting. A great day all in all however. Though, we have to note the almost complete lack of La Plata and Brazil.
LEM274 alkoi eilen 24.1.2009 ja loppuu 7.2.2009. Matka Rovaniemeltä-Lemmenjoelle sujui n. kolmessa ja puolessa tunnissa, jos jätetään pois aika joka kulutettiin Kittilän Neste-aseman pippuripihvin seurassa sekä Kittilän K-Marketin ja Alkon vierailuissa. Koska olemme myös vanhoina päivinä (Pertin ja minun yhteinen DX-ura on nyt 98 vuotta) ottaneet opiksemme "nuorukaisten SDR-maailmaa" olemme varustautneet yhteensä kahdella Perseellä ja kolmella IQ:lla sekä muutamalla NRD:llä.
Pedis alkoi mainiosti. Itärannikko nousi kunnolla jo 21 UTC ja sen jälkeen NA-kelit jatlkuivat n. 15 UTC:hen 25.1. Poikkeuksellista oli se, ettei La Plata asemia kuulunut juuri ollenkaan, van keliraja meni Orinocosta pohjoiseen: PR, Cuba, MEX ja muu karibia sekä tietysti NA rannikosta rannikkoon. Eka päivän saldo on n. 250 GB tallenteita per nuppi. Palataan lokauksiin myöhemmin kun on ehtiny tutustua tallenteisiin ainakin pinnallisesti. Onneksi meillä on lähes 10 TB:ia kapasitettia, ja tämähän on aivan erinmaista ajatellen tulevia eläkepäiviä. Yhteenvetona voi siis todeta, että eka vuorokausi oli aivan uskomattoman erinomainen.
Erikoisuutena voidaan mainita, että junassa törmättiin AAL:ään eli Ari Leinoon, joka oli 70-kymmenen puolivälissä yksi Suomen aktivvisimpia kuuntelijoita. Ari löysi makuuhyttimme ja jaettiin yhden pienen Monopoli-pullon muistojen merkeissä. Uskomme, että Ari, keskustelumme jälkeen, sai uuden DX-kipinän. Hänhän asuskelee Torniossa.
LEM273 10JAN2009-17JAN2009
Jopi Nyman and Jussi Suokas
More and brighter northern lights last night. Also much warmer outside. Dominant stations mostly today with occasional goodies like CKGL 570, KCMO 710, or KRLD 1080.
Northern lights at night. Nothing spectacular during the daytime. New stations from Cadiz, Abakan, Mexicali and Sioux Falls.
Freezing! 33.4 below so no walking in the forest. Early night quiet, Cuba was hot and libre in the morning. Also EC like WEAE 1250, WKBK 1290, CHTO 1690 etc
NL very strong at 21.30. Then a mixture of East Coast, PR and Cuba with fair signals. An excellent East Coast session in the morning.
Waiting for the big bang, checking antennas etc. Hopefully no one has been fishing over the quota last autumn? Stations from the lakes before noon and Asia later in the afternoon.
Encounters with daytimers at night (1050 1500 1510), in the morning NY (WBEN 930, WEAV 960, WNED 970). Lame after 10 utc.
Lem273 has started. Common Pacific Northwest today.
LEM272 03JAN2009-10JAN2009
Jarmo Patala and Vesa-Jussi Rinkinen
In the night unconstant/weak cx to Lakes. The morning was the worst of this pedition, only South America and some common NA came throug.
This pedition was nice one even if the cx wasn't in the best shape all the time. But the whole truth of the cx will be found later from the files.
Now we have had some bacon for the breakfast and get on the road agan.
KIK-DX has left the building.
In the evening noted COPE with local break at 2045-2047 UTC.
The night started with a very nice catch: KGOW-1560. After that at 00 UTC Lakes unconstantly, otherwise quite weak cx at night. There was two x-band stations from Argentina.
Mediocre cx to NA whole day, maybe more to Ohio than the other parts. When the dominants came in loud, there was suprising graveyard opening with nice signals at 14 UTC.
Before noon good cx to British Isles with strong signals, among others was Desi R 1602.
At daytime also some outdoor activities by checking antennas with GPS to get the directions and lengths.
In the evening we fried some sausages in the stove and VJR had his first beer of the century in Lemmenjoki.
After yesterdays flop today was a good DX day. Brazil came up 21 UTC and Newfoundland at 22 UTC. In the morning the best cx was to the East Coast: WGR-550, WGAN-560, from Cuba 1060 R 26 and some from Mexico. Before noon cx moved westwards: KWYO-1410. NA cx got weak around 13 UTC, but West Coast dominants were strong still after 15 UTC.
At 1902 Dunamis-4750 sign/off.
Dinner menu: Smoked reindeer soup with unleavened barley bread (rieska in Finnish).
Clearly worse cx than 2 previous days. NA opening already at 23 UTC, but it has been weak through the whole day. At night ZIZ-555. 08 UTC some Mexico: XEEX-1230. SER break noted at 0855-0900 UTC: Rioja-1179.
Around noon and in the afternoon cx has been in the NW continental NA: CISL-650.
On the shortwaves RPDT2 Manggarai 2960 came well.
In the morning a lot of Cuba in the lower part of MW band. Also Quebec and East Coast, for example CINA-1650 was audible. ND/CO opening before noon: KMXA-1090, KSJB-600, KEYZ-660. NA signals got weaker after 13 UTC.
Oceania opening around 1030-1100 UTC: Tonga-1017, Marshall-1098 and Fiji-1467. And from Asia again China around 16 UTC.
X-band aussies are still missing, so to honor the AM band gods and goddesses the dinner included Greek meatballs on ricebed.
Today quite nice cx to North America. NA opened as soon as 23 UTC and there was also some brazilians at night with good signals. Some examples of the stations identified so far: KQDJ-1400, KWBY-940, KSPZ-980, KIGO-1420, KEYG-1490 and CHQB-1280.
Japan was absent but the chinese stations came well after 16 UTC, for example Hubei 1566.
Dinner menu: macaroni casserole with New Zealander lamb to wake up Oceania cx.
At night modest Orinoco-Brazil cx. NA opening from 07 UTC. KIXI-880, KNZZ-1100, KZXR-1310, KVAN-1560, KFOX-1650. After 09 UTC some common HI on 940, 1270, 1500 and 1540.
In the afternoon the chinese stations came in loud and some modest japanese.
Dinner menu: crab terrine as a starter and lobster soup as the main course.
Weak NA cx in the afternoon. Anyway KCID-1490 was noted when setting up the equipments.
In the evening New Ireland 3905.
Dinner menu: Miami Chicken Sandwich and mango-papaya-salsa with Coca Cola.
At 2100 UTC nice opening to PHL: 666 DZRH and 576 DYMR.
LEM271 25DEC2008-03JAN2009
Jari Ruohomäki and Mika Mäkeläinen
Here are some initial observations from an ongoing DXpedition in Lemmenjoki, Finland. DXpedition no. 271 began late on Christmas day, and Jari Ruohomäki joined on the evening of Dec. 27. Conditions so far (Dec. 29) have been mediocre, and it has been very difficult to identify any new stations. We are however armed with Perseus and SDR-14 receivers, so results of the DXpedition continue to develop over the coming months and probably years, judging by the abundance of hard drives...
Very poor night with only some Brazilians, and the morning prime time doesn't look much better, evidenced by the fact that I have time to be online. We're ready to pack and leave in a few hours time, and hope that conditions will improve for the next dxpedition.
I should add that despite my low expectations, the last morning turned out to be a pretty good one. First we got Brazilians and Argentine X-band stations strong around 0700-0800 UTC, Colombian and Caribbean stations well after 0730 UTC for a very short time, especially on the lower end of the dial, and finally a relatively good 1.5 hour session towards North America starting arond 0800 UTC. When it was time to pull the plug at 1006 UTC, virtually all stations from the Western hemisphere had already disappeared.

Signing off from Lemmenjoki, have a great 2009!
Brazilian stations heard through the night, improving in the morning until vanishing around 0800 UTC. No US stations overnight, but during the day North American stations heard better than on any previous day, even graveyard channels now audible. Still, conditons favored Canada and upper Midwest, so no rarities.
Overnight was very poor with only Brazilians on the dial. Brazil improved towards the morning, but nothing else from the rest of the Americas. During the day the AM band was dead. In the afternoon one more poor session of Asia, although a few X-band Aussies were once again audible.
Reception of North American stations focused in MN, ND and WI, so further review of recordings should reveal some nice catches from this area. A recurring coronal hole came as expected and caused quite a lot of magnetic disturbance, so after the morning of Dec. 31 there wasn't much left on the dial. Morning catches included RNE1 Badajoz on 648 kHz and WTCM Traverse City MI on 580 kHz. A fierce blizzard raged outside piling half a meter of snow outside the front door.
Good conditions towards Venezuela and the Caribbean starting at 2200 UTC, which turned out to be the best DX session of LEM271 so far. HIMS Radio Crystal, Santo Domingo, on 570 kHz was one of the highlights. Some common Cuban stations continued past local midday 1000 UTC. Thanks to a tip from Jim Solatie, Zenith Classic Rock was caught on 1584 kHz.
Overnight (yes, it is stil Dec. 28, but in terms of DXing sessions, the beginning of Dec. 29) so far just very few trans-Atlantic signals. 1510 WAUK was heard with Spanish ESPN, but no ID, and so we didn't get any closer to nailing down daytimers.
The pattern was very similar to the previous days, with trans-Atlantic signals pretty weak, but continuing long into the afternoon. There was a nice opening to Utah at 0900 UTC. GTRK Magadan heard overnight at 0210 UTC on 7320 kHz with local programming, which was a pleasant surprise. Opening to Asia was early and short, with Korean HLKQ on 1062 kHz one of the few identified stations.
Lousy night, but North American stations after 0500 UTC. Most American stations vanished after 1200 UTC, and even most of the Asian stations were silenced by Europeans by 1300 UTC. 700 KXLX among the highlights. Canadian X-banders were hunted, hopefully got also some IDs.
Venezuela and the Caribbean in the morning, mostly Canada and US West Coast during the day, but weak signals. A multitude of Chinese stations in the afternoon and at 1600-1700 UTC a bunch of Australian X-band stations. Daybreak in China brought stations back around 2300 UTC.
Overnight Venezuela and Puerto Rico, at 0730 UTC a brief opening to Brazil and Uruguay. US stations improved around 0800 UTC and were audible until 1500 UTC, but conditions were general in nature, tilting West by the afternoon. Voice of Nevis on 895 kHz was identified in the wee hours, 600 R Sucre and 680 WAPA in the morning. KBS 1224 kHz with HLKC calls (relaying 639) among the few identified Asians.
LEM270 13DEC-20DEC2008
Hannu Asikainen and Hannu Niilekselä
Our final day at LEM brought the best conditions of the week. The same "hole" to Idaho opened up again, though some 10 minutes earlier than on the previous night with both KOUU-1290 and KBGN-1060 having nice signals.
Outside that, nothing special at night, however standard US and some Puerto Rico with nice signals. The morning cx rose also a bit earlier than on previous days and basically everything between WQAM-560 and KFMB-760 was (at least theoretically !) available. Naturally difficilt to decide what to go for and which antenna to use, but that is a sport of its own.
The early afternoon was topped with some interesting stations on upper frequencies most likely from the midwest. However, these remained unidentified, since cleaning and packing was in full speed in front of the final turn of the "big switch" at 1307 UTC, to get to the Kittilä airport in time. It was a good ending to this fairly painful week, although it would have been extremely intresting to have the opportunity to stay for a couple of days longer...

Yours truly 2 Hannu´s, Asikainen and Niilekselä.
Back to normal with the cx. ON-MI opened up around 2145 UTC followed by a sharp, early opening all the way to Idaho already right after 22 UTC.
KOUU-1290 had a bright signal for almost one hour, also KNEU-1250 was identified and KBGN-1060 as tentative. After that, weaker widespread cx until morning. After 07 UTC rapid growth with signal levels, station from all over the continent, with CUB and some MEX. Not easy to pick new stations when the whole band is a loud mess, but this is "just normal" for typical cx during the solar minimum. For example, at the same moment we identified KVNU-610 and WZAN-970. This was expected for all week...
Our nuisance, the bruise on easterly antennas made that direction difficult again this morning, even if it was not quite as strong as in the earlier days. The good news is that the bruise was located by the local electric company to a household. The source was the AC/DC adapter of an ACER Travelmate 230 laptop, feeding a bruise to the powerlines, about 1 km from the far end of our antennas. It is incredible what the level of noise caused by such a little device can be ! The source was tested over the phone by connecting/disconnecting and 100 % verified. So, the afternoon we could DX without the bruise. The easterly antenna brought in, for example KWEB-1560.
The afternoon was, however, not especially good with signal levels, but jazz was heard on 1410 and KIHH-1400 identified "live". Mexicans were not abundant either, but preliminarily on 580 both XEFI and XEMU were identified, and XECL on 990. It is possible that our recordings will reveal additionally some nice stations, but it will take quite some time.
Too bad that we have only one morning left over here...
The unexpected disturbance seems to have more or less spoiled this week.
Still, after a totally blank evening, little comfort was brought by the sudden opening of the band towards midwest, starting about 2215 UTC with "full go" a little after 2230 UTC. There was a heavy concentration on WI, accompanied by some IA and MN, moving westwards as the night progressed.
Thus was quite OK for us, since the bruise we have had in the more easterly orientes beverages had grown to a level, where our first usable antenna was the one at 319 degrees. The growth of the bruise level seems to be related to the outside temperature having climbed to 0 degrees C. Later in the day, the bruise covered also the 319 antenna, so practically all listening was done with the 335 degree bev, even if we noticed that 319 would have given better results in the early afternoon. The origin of the bruise was roughly located and the local electric company notified. At the time of writing this, WEGP 1390 would come in nicely, if the bruise was not there. So waiting for east coast openings is done for us for this week.
The morning and afternoon conditions brought in some CO-WY-ID-OR-WA, but were generally speaking weak again. There was practically nothing audible all night and day under 920 kHz. The intresting phenomenom was that as it was getting already "too late" in the afternoon some of the signals got better and better. It all ended with KDZR-1640 and KGA-1510 being audible until 1720 UTC, in full daylight at their end.
First stations: WMCS-1290, WCCN-1370, WOTE-1380, WRIG-1390, later at night WJMC-1240, KBMW-1450, KOLM-1520. In the morning: KOKK-1210, KOWB-1290, KFKA-1310, KRLN-1400.
The week seems to go by waiting for "The Conditions" that never come.
Yesterday evening was worse than previous one (with only 5-6 most common stations), but not as bad as today (at 20 UTC no traces of NA at all...). Just a few signals at night. In the morning a bit of promise, as stations started to come in around 06 UTC. But this was together with strong signals from BRA, which is generally not a good omen. And so it was. The signals started to weaken around 10 UTC and remained weak-nonexistent all afternoon.
A few bursts brought in a couple of nice stations, but generally speaking hours went by with most frequencies giving no stations at all, specifically on the top of the hours. Hopefully the recordings will give some surprises, even if it will be a true pain to listen through all of that "empty bruise".
After what this week has brought, it is a bit difficult to be an optimist anymore, but we´ll do our best...
KHWG-750, KXNT-840, KEVT-1210 and KERN-1410.
The developement of cx is truly intresting: somewhere the east-west cx on northern latitudes are "good-very good" (as per Jan Alvestad/dxlc), but here at LEM they have got worse than on any of the preceedong days and today the cx were "lousy-very lousy". We are experiencing some kind of an atmospheric disturbance, which blocks signals most of the time and brings in strong static interference on antennas 286-305 degrees, at times also on the 319 degree antenna. Signals have been very poor, getting better only during a couple short bursts. The evening started with early signals, but they died out even earlier than on previous days. In the night and in the morning mostly LA, with just a few NA signals, such as CBG-1400 and WEGP-1390 - truly unbelievable considering the general status of the atmospheric conditions. Little more NA after 08 UTC, but again without any direction.
When the disturbance level went down for short periods, both east and west coast was coming in, only to disappear after a short while. In the afternoon no cx. It would be intresting to understand, what causes all of this. The only explanation would appear to be that the solar wind has not (yet) come down due to some levels of density coming from the sun (the "filament eruption ?). We will se later in the week...
Still, a couple of "strikes of luck" include KERR-750, WGIV-1370 and WACK-1420.
Conditions getting better as the solar wind and geomagnetic field settle.
Still the usual story: the most common stations start coming in early, around 1900 UTC, but the going does not get any better as the evening progresses, and the stations gradually die out after 23-01 UTC. They start coming back after 06-07 UTC without any direction. This morning and day stations from all over, however not very strong signals. Very difficult to identify anything worthwhile, the graveyard frequencies being just "one hum" without any readable signals. After 1300 UTC fairly strong midwest-west coast and better signals as stations start to drop out due to daylight in the US. No rare signals, however. First time in our experience many stations were heard after local sunrise, for example KSL at 1530 UTC, KGA, CFUN and CJVB long after 1600. KTBK-1210 appeared suddenly (with daytime power) at 1545 UTC and was audible for about one hour.
NL started to come in at their sundown, and there after the most common NA.
The most intersting station early at night was WBIX-1060 at 21 UTC, the only one worth mentioning later at night WNWT-1520. Lousy morning and all day, fairly weak signals from 0730 UTC to 1430. The solar wind has remained at a relatively high level and consequently the cx just have not developed any.
Tough listening all day with very little results. KUGN-590, KFXD-630, KALL-700, CKOR-800, KEVT-1210, KZMK-1240.
We arrived at Lemmenjoki on Friday evening (12.12.) to check for evening/night cx "before" the expedition would really start. Nothing to check - just a couple of signals in the evening and at night without any interesting ones. From 0630 UTC on until 13 UTC only the most common NA from east to west, with a bit of Cuba in the morning. After listening to the recordings from SDR, about 200 stations in the log, but really nothing to mention. Not a single new one for HN and only 2-3 for HAS, the "very best" being CBGA-540, KXNT-840, KYSM-1230, KTRF-1230 and WBOB-1320.
LEM269 29NOV-06DEC2008
Håkan Sundman and Jim Solatie
Since CH350 arrived, it has been a continuous party: KATL 770, KROE 930, KFLN 960, KNUU 970, KBBO 980, WJML 1110, KOBB 1230, WNER 1410, KMSR 1520. We'd like to quote our fellow Swedes from a few years back: you name it, we've heard it.
Strong NA today, too, from 04 to 14 hours. But not as strong as on two previous days. Finally time this evening to check some tapes: KSSK 590, XEPH 590, KGAB 650, KSDN 930, KEYF 1050, WZFG 1100, XEDCH 1180, KOKK 1210, KEVT 1210 and KPRZ 1210.
Lousy night, but becoming better at 06 utc. Since then strong NA. Mostly West Coast and some Hawaii. Graveyards are heard better than on previous days, but only familiar stuff identified so far, mostly Washington stations.
The coronal hole arrives soon, and hopefully changes dx-conditions completely ;)
NA started already at 20 UTC, but straight away from Ontario with Oldies 1310 and other common dominants. Nöffies (Newfoundlanders) had local programming at 2030 UTC, eg. 620 and 710 VOCM were local. Then ... nothing, not at least before 23 UTC.
We woke up at 04 UTC when the band was loaded with NA: from East to West - unfortunately. These widespread conditions seem to continue thru the day.
Very strong NA from early morning till late afternoon. Also NHK1 local identifications at 10 UTC. Many Chinese, too. Still, not a single new station yet. Too wide conditions. Now at 14 UTC super strong West Coast signals.
We arrived yesterday to paradise. Kristiina had told us that the winter is pleasantly mild, but -25 Celsius felt a b it challenging to us. Also the AM-band has been challenging. North American stations from 04 to 15 UTC, but standard stuff. Just a few new reports to us: KUBC-580, KGAB-650 and KJOX-1390. KDBM Dillon MT was heard over two hours on 1490.
We have some 30 cm of snow and on Sunday evening it has been raining much more. We wish the DX-conditions wouold improve a lot, but the next coronal hole is approaching soon, perhaps too soon.
LEM268 22NOV-29NOV2008
TAK Tapio Kalmi, Helsinki, YK Yrjö Kainulainen, Jyväskylä
Rx: 4xNRD (545,535,535D,535DG), AOR 7030, 1xIQ SDR, 3xPerseus
1400-CBG and 1390-WEGP came in with readable signals around 1930 UTC just when we tought to go to sleep. We got so excited if there will be super evening cx for the last night, that we stayed up for the next 2,5 hours. But nope, no daytimers or anything special before 22 UTC when we had to get some sleep before 12 hours drive back to southern Finland. Only some too weak signals on 1210 and 1370 around 20 UTC and 1500-WLQV from 21 UTC onwards.
Night cx is captured on harddisks so we will get back to it later. Maybe sometime near midsummer (year not defined yet).
Our morning session was from 04 to 08 UTC. NA cx was clearly better than in the previois three days. Dominants came from all around and some other stations too. But there was still signs of disturbance and the signal levels were lower than in the previous weekend with the top cx. Todays cx was wery nice because nearly all regional frequencies sounded more like graveyards: 2-4 stations trying to get out louder than the others. So there will be a lot of listening with these.
Now it's time to sign off from LEM268. We wish all the best to the next crew and all the others catching the waves in northern Scandinavia.
73's YK and TAK
Again lousy night and morning with Brasil, La Plata, Orinoco and NA.
Spain still going strong in the morning.
Great afternoon opening from 11 UTC to 15 UTC to the Northwest. All graveyard frequencies were open whole 4 hours and that made the opening great, but the area was only BC-AB-MB-WA-ID-MT-OR-CA.
No good cx to Japan today neither.
After writing the news yesterday we had two parties ahead: First the west coast opened very nicely and after that we were invited to Kristiina's birthday party with neighbours and relatives. Both parties were really nice experiences.
In the night and in the morning quite the same story as yesterday, but with weak NA signals and little samba party with big (>10kW) brazilians and some La Plata.
So, because of the reasons mentioned above, we had again fun with Spain. France and UK came along and kept us busy until 9:30 UTC. One catch to mention was done at 9 UTC: 1179 SER Radio Rioja.
In the afternoon weak west coast cx and some PNG on shortwaves. We are still missing real Asia cx.
Today we have had calm and mild (-10 degrees Celcius) conditions on the ground, but storm in the ionosphere. The NA Night Show was cancelled, because only 1400-CBG and 1390-WEGP were present. The Morning Show was cancelled as well (none present).
The same story with SA as NA, some brazilians tried to have a party, but not too much signal from there either.
So, because of the reasons mentioned above, we had fun with Spain until 8:30 UTC.
Now, at noon UTC, we get some little signs of life from the West Coast of NA and Alaska. Asia is not present yet.
25NOV2008 (Part-II, Really Lucky DXers)
The conditions got worse just after we updated the news. NA cx was cut off at 0150 UTC by northern lights. At Perseus the scene is awfull: the signal levels fall down and the noise level rises up and the whole thing becomes flat as a pancake. Sigh ...
We slept couple of hous and let the Perseus check the cx for the night. In the morning NA signals were weakest of the week. But soma Brasilian and La Plata stations gave better signal out and the show continued with a side step.
Because of the storm and the nonexistent Asia cx we hurried to check a couple of antennas at 0915 UTC. And at this time we realized how lucky we have been with the storm: None cut wire found yet, but one tall antenna mast (pine tree) was fallen down. When it stood up, it was really one of the "antenna masts". All in all, we should thank the team who put up the antennas: the result is really good, the antennas are storm proof. There was only the need of putting wire back up to the trees.
And when we came back we tought that it's time to rest after busy days, but tell me another: First station noted was 1500 KUMU Honolulu, after that some other Hawaiians and then the Northwest and then whole West Coast. This started around 1230 UTC and ended at 1510 UTC. So we were really lucky when we didn't have to fix the antennas at all.
And yes, also Asia came along in the afternoon. For example at 1500 UTC the West Coast antenna picked up 1350 JOER Hiroshima. Real asia recordiing are to be checked at home.
25NOV2008 (Part-I, early delivery)
Newfoundland started another round around 1930 UTC. Now (at 0122 UTC) the full show is going on. NA has main role and PR with Orinoco are quest stars.
24NOV2008 (late delivery)
What a day! Waiting some storm in the ionosphere, but having it on the ground. Because of the storm we had a 45 minutes blackout around 01 UTC. And in the morning we realized that the wind had thrown a lot of stuff outside. It didn't snow but the wind blew really hard and it moved the old snow.
The ionosphere was calm: In the evening Newfoundland from 1930 UTC, followed by New England, Quebec and Ontario and after that ordinary night cx to the Lakes until the electricity break. Also some BOL/PRU cx on 60mb was noted before 01 UTC, Brasil was strongest in 60mb in the morning.
In the morning the AM band was crowded with all the dominants from the whole NA. Maybe Lakes was more common than the other parts, but it's really hard to say.
Also Asia was stronger than before, unfortunately the best Japan peaks didn't match with the local ids, but Japan was strong already at 10 UTC. China, China, Taiwan, China. And some Philipinos around 13 UTC.
Only Hawaii and x-band aussies from Oceania, but this was nice, because it was the first time for both of us to hear x-banders from downunder.
Common stations but odd times line continues: KLTC-1460 at 1330 UTC.
Cold night, about -30 degrees Celcius with clear sky. Milder day, about -18 degrees, when it started to snow a little bit in the afternoon.
The night cx was clearly weaker than yesterday, but the NA dominants kept coming in. At the same time European signals were at higher levels than yesterday, so we slept the night.
In the morning mostly basic stuff from NA and some graveyard frequencies open every now and then. No sign from La Plata or Brazil, but some Orinoco a little bit before their sunrise.
We also wondered why Japan is totally absent and found out that LEM Japan antenna connection in the main panel was broken. After fixing it the basic stuff from Japan also.
NA came in all day long, for example CFUN-1410 was still readable at 16 UTC !!!
First of all, big thank to the previous crew for the full report about the antennas, conditions and especially the fact that the cabin was free for us already for the night between friday and saturday. We were really happy to hear the news even if Tapio started pedition from Helsinki at 6:15 UTC and even if we arrived at Lemmenjoki QTH at 01:15 UTC next day.
NA came all night long and through the day. Some Hawaiians were also noted and Asia has been strong in the afternoon.
Not any real goodies to tell because of overtired DXers, but some highlights anyway: full local id with call letters from HLKN Mokpo 1467 kHz at 09:59:50 and all open graveyard frequencies.
Now it's time to get some sleep before NA sunset.
LEM267 10NOV-20NOV2008
HJK Juhani Korhonen, Suonenjoki, JJK Jari Korhonen, Kitee
Rx: 2xIcom R8500, 1xPerseus SDR, 2x AOR 7030, 1xIQ SDR
Today was not as good day as expected. Argentina on X-band in the night, AM Revivir 1680 a.o. MB and SK very strong in the morning, ND gave some new stations KGFX-1060 and KMXR-710. Chinese stations already from 0815 UTC on.
Some Aussies on the X-band, too with quite nice signals. Time to say goodbye.
Yesss! The night was already giving good signals. Radio Saint Vincent was on 700, no sign of Jamaica in spite of small Jamaican rum portion. The morning started with MN, SD (WJON-1240, KCCR-1240). Then a bad sign: All those SK MB stations still left on the AM dial were heard with huge signals. However, CA "marched in" with many nice stations: KFMB-760, KPRZ-1210, KNRY-1240, KROP- 1300, KBLA-1580, KGED-1680. NV WA ND: KXNT-840, KFLD-870, KFNW-1200. The good signals lasted until 1200 UTC. Thereafter it was time for Asian stations, DZAS-702, Radio Rossii, Abakan 792 were reported. We noted also some Aussies in the X-band, but no new ones.
The conditions became better today. Yankees were heard whole day. MN in the morning and the conditions moved to West from 0900 UTC on. Some of the loggings: KHLT-1210, KBLA-1580, KBOZ-1090, KLAD-960 with "Country Legends 960"-id, KWIK-1240, KBAR-1230.
Not very much to say about the NA conditions. Some LA stations in the morning, like Emisora Mariana-1400, and ZNS1-1540. West Coast was only "whispering".
At around 1330 UTC quite good conditions towards China Mainland. Yangzhou PBS- 1179, Guangxi EBS-1224, Shanxi PBS News Station 1269, unlisted Hunan PBS 1566 etc. Some Thai stations like Mor Kor-1314 and for the first time the most usual Pilipinos.
Two attempts were made to report about 15th and 16th of November matters. First time, there was an interruption of the e-mail service for 24 hours. When I tried to send my message, it disappeared. 24 hours later, I sent my mail succesfully, but it was never received.
Today the graveyard frequencies were open, KDYN-1230, KZZR-1230, KEJO-1240, KRPL-1400, KSPT-1400, KIOV-1450, KBKR-1490. On other frequencies, stations like KWIP-880, KWBY-940, KXPG-1150, KZXR-1310 and KEIN-1310 with clear signals.
The two most recent reports from LEM 267 seem to be travelling somewhere in the great byte space. Jari suspected that we can blame his internet provider Sonera for not having got any news from the far north lately. The news is basically that there have been varied conditions towards NA today and yesterday: for instance, some FL, MT, AZ and CA, a little bit of Mexico, and KJOX Yakima on 1390 for about 10 hours today. Not much SA and nothing from the Far East. via JUS
The temperatures are around -20 degrees and daytimers are here! At 2200 UTC WLQV-1500 Detroit was heard with a strong signal. A couple of minutes later, 1510 WRRD Waukesha WI was fading in with ESPN Deportes & some local inserts and ids. After 2300 UTC we could hear another daytimer KGOW-1560 from Bellaire, TX.
This session was completed by noting KLCK-1430 at 2359 UTC. The conditions weren´t so good during the rest of the night, but SA gave some results: Rádio Eldorado SP 700 and Radio Globo, Blumenau SC 1160. Like the morning before, Cuba was present on many frequencies (Rebelde and Reloj), but the local sunrise affect was a dissappointment for us. Later on, you could pick regional Cuban stations like Doblevé-840, Radio Cadena Agramonte-910, Radio Cadena Habana- 1040, Radio Bayamo-1150 and Radio Ciudad del Mar-1350, and tentatively Radio Angulo-1110. At 0900 UTC there was a peak for FL stations: WSBB-1230, WMMB- 1240, WJNO-1290, WROD-1340, WKAT-1360 and WZIZ-1460. West Coast as usual, but almost nothing worth reporting: KIGO-1420 was noted with very strong signals, and we had also clear ids for KPQ-560. The obligatory Iran session was in the form of Rado Zahedan 783. No FE at all.
Today was a big day! We woke up quite late, at around 0130 UTC. Pretty good signals from Colorado on many frequencies. After 0315 UTC ZNS1 with stabile signals. Later on Cuba on many frequencies - nice regional stations were heard, like Radio Guamá-1000, Cadena CMKS-1020 and Radio 26-1060. Later on HRUP Radio Satélite, La Ceiba-900. FL on many frequencies, US East Coast, QC as well.
Later on West coast not as well as yesterday, but in the late afternoon KWYZ- 1230, KMAS-1030 and KGOE-1480 were reported. HI signals at least on 1210, but FE almost zero. Iran signals were a bit weaker than yesterday.
The night was not so good, only XEP-1300 at around 0030. The morning brought nice signals, mostly the usual dominants from the West. The signals lasted until 1530 UTC, but there was noise QRM in the afternoon. Alaskan stations had nice signals, too. XEDCH-1180, KLAY-1180, KHTS-1220, KTTO-970, and hopefully many many more from the audio files. Iran very strong. Only a few signals from FE, but no reports from that direction.
LEM267 was started 24h later than we originally thought. We arrived late in the evening. Our "usual" first night guest Radio Perú Juliaca 1320.
ID, OR, WA, BC in the morning (KFTA-970, KAST-1370, KVAN-1560 now with jazz format, CISL-650) just to mention a few. Yankees also in the afternoon, CBQI- 920, KTIQ-1660. We checked the Oceania and Asia antennas. No sign of Pacific stations, only a few JJ stations were heard for a short period of time, practically no CC stations were audible. Nice signals from Iran, Romania and Bulgaria completed our afternoon.
Some troubles with HI/AK antenna. Summa summarum, the start was better than expected.
LEM266 by Jari Sinisalo and Martti Karimies
Receivers: Telefunken E1800/3, 1* Perseus, 1* SDR-14, 2* SDR-IQ
This is only a short overview. Our loggings will be published later at pudxk.blogspot.com and hard-core-dx.com/online log.
The weather has been mostly sunny with temperatures between -1 to -12 degrees Celsius. At the moment we've got snow about 5 centimeters.
The last two days were offering nice signals to NA and Pacific. We had a lack of propagation to La Plata and SEA and therefore unable to enjoy the last fine bottle of wine, 2005 Kaiken Ultra Malbec from Argentina. As a Finnish word kaiken means everything!
On the other hand, we had the ultimate menu, better then ever in Lemmenjoki! We were equipped a lot of kettles , frying pans and special spices for our international kitchen. Martti´s forecast for this period was quite accurate, disturbance started to effect early in the morning 7th of November and the days of our stay in Lemmenjoki were every day better and better to the final.
When driving away from Lemmenjoki we were apple to meet two wolves (None of them were from Uhtua /ed.), a lot of reindeers and some dangerous drivers. Next year menu is already made, it will beat also Kongsfjord, if they are not able to invent something better than this year.
All night Puerto Rico and Orinoco with huge signals. NA started again at 02:00 and continued till 13:00.
We have been very busy with our SDRs and computers. But we have enjoyed the good conditions, weather, food and wine. We've aready got a huge amount of SDR-files. Hope that we will not run out of disk space!
Here's a few stations "on the fly": KCKX 1460, KOFE 1240, KIOV 1450, KFBC 1240, KTOQ 1340, JOTG Aomori 963, WRRD 1510, KGOW 1560, KCAP 1340, KPOW 1260, KVOC 1230, KQTL 1210.
NA started before 22:00 UTC (3.11.) and continued till 14:00 UTC. Today Marshalls and Tonga again + tent. Tahiti. NA started again before 22:00 UTC.
At night the same pattern, but now also Orinoco and some La Plata included. NA from 03:30 till 13:00 UTC. NHK-1 break at 09.59 quite nicely. From the Pacific Marshall Islands (1098) and Tonga (1017) with excellent signals, but nothing more.
The night started with Brazilians. Then NA from 04:30 till 11:00 UTC
NA until 14:00 UTC.
Our Dx-expedition started in Hämeenlinna on Friday at 10:30 UTC when Martti started the engine. We drove up to Muhos (JPR's DXing OTH) thru a quite severe snow storm and stayed the night there. Thanks Jari for your hospitality, again! Hit the road on Saturday at 04:00 UTC and arrived to Lemmenjoki after 11:00 UTC.
LEM265 by Antti Aaltonen and Timo Reiniluoto
01NOV2008  -  LEM265 signing off
During the last two days we had the "pleasure" of enjoying genuine FUBAR-conditions. No New stations worth mentioning. However, food & wine remained on a level which will make all other crews green with envy.
We are also proud to announce that for the entire week LEM was a PFZ (Perseus Free Zone).
This is LEM265 signing off.
30OCT2008  -  Surprisingly Exciting Night
In spite of the effects of the CH we had surprisingly exciting conditions during the night and early morning. However, the rest of the morning was totally useless. Very strong signals from Oregon in the early afternoon. At the moment (1815 UTC) northern lights clearly visible. Some highlights: KGAB-650 and KKTY-1470.
29OCT2008  -  Moderate night and early morning
Quite nice cx during the night and early morning. However, all TA-signals disappeared right after 0630 UTC. The usual powerhouses from the West Coast and AK returned with decent signals in the afternoon. Some highlights: KOGA-930, WFHR-1320, KVEL-920 (all with huge signals). From earlier recordings: KLAD-960.
28OCT2008  -  Non-Stop Show for two days
Almost non-stop listening from Saturday night until Tuesday morning. The band was packed with strong signals, but the cx were not very exciting and it was a hard task to find new stations with 100% conventional receiving equipment. Florida was absent while at the same time JMS had strong signals in Bromarv! This afternoon lousy cx. Some highlights: WNWI-1080, WLCM-1390, WMNY-1360, KSMX-1240, WCHP-760, KCKN-1020, KMSR-1520 and KUOA-1290.
LEM264 by Ilpo Parviainen, Jarmo Havukunnas and Roland Sandberg
http://lem264.blogspot.com/   Webcam http://zeecam.net/lem.html
24OCT2008  -  LURX signing off
Cx continues: STRONG signals from 22 UTC, but mostly dominants at night. WRRD ! It's time to say goodbye, thanks for sharing your time with us. ((( Let the madness end ))).
Hunting and Berry Picking
The development of rx hardware has proceeded from classic rigs to software defined radios. Each of us has several front-end classic rigs for hunting - we all love DXing with the gambling element included. We also have background sdr's (Perseus, SDR-14) for automated DXing. Thanks to the wideband DX option of Perseus we actually have them "all" waiting on the disks, it just takes approximately 3000 hours to go them all through. So your detailed loggings are highly appreciated for the berry picking (...grin...)
Back to the Business
And we like it ! Fine signals from the Caribbean at night followed by excellent day for DX with stations from SC to CA with nice signal levels. Especially the MN-SD-ND triangle was hot on the dial. Huge amount of work will be needed to solve all the audio puzzles on the disks !
23OCT2008  -  Wadda... Cx Down !
Lowsy night, miserable morning (though WSBT logged), standard afternoon with lots of common GY-stations (KIHH seems to be one of the dominants on 1400 nowadays). It seems that this time we haven't been as lucky as last year. But we still have two days left and ... WE SHALL NEVER SURRENDER !
Huge package of signals from Alabama and smaller packages from Lousiana and Mississippi. Should have arrived early last night. Hopefully not missent to Norway. Finders fee.
22OCT2008  -  Gringos have been peed in the eye (=old Finnish proverb)
Earlier we were informed that this particular day should be the beginning of the Super Cx period of the decade. Would you buy a used car from that man: we had strong signals from dominant stations at night followed by mediocre daytime cx. No special hotspot areas noted and only a few interesting stations were found. Some of the picks include WNYY, WXXI, KRIB, KFJB, WLFN, KJOC, WAUR.
21OCT2008  -  For Sale !
We are selling two hours of first class Florida recordings with superb signals. Files include WQAM, WQBA, WIOD, WAXY, WROD, WMMB and many more. And that's not all ! You'll also get many fine other East Coast stations (RI, NH, etc) and the finest Cubans on the AM band. Satisfaction and FFF-pleasure guaranteed. Make offers fast - we are hungry and tired. For those whom size matters, it's 60Gb.
20OCT2008  -  The Heat is on !!!
(But we don't mean it DX-wise). After several hours of overheating our cabin we are now in sauna-like conditions. For our numerous female viewers' pleasure we'll spend the rest of the evening on our underwears. For ultimate viewing pleasure please check our webcam.
20OCT2008  -  CSI Lemmenjoki Report
Condition Scene Investigation team at Lemmenjoki informs that after a lowsy DX night (even though the NA seemed to be VERY promising in the beginning) there was a huge pläjäys towards OH/PA. Many "usual suspects" on the dial were replaced by better stations like WSAI, WARF, WING, WMRN, WSTV, WTIV, WEAE, WJAS, WEAV, KIUL, etc. The afternoon session will start soon, hopefully the mob signals of WA-OR won't kill the innocent dial again.
19OCT2008  -  African Radio Experience
Last night at 22:31 UTC Radio Gotel played Finnish music ("Väinö" performed by J.Karjalainen). One of our team members had earlier succeeded in getting contact with this station - local post officer in Yola happened to know one DJ at the station and forwarded the letter & CD to him. He was in duty last night but unfortunately the reception conditions were very poor at that time and it was extremely difficult to dig out the melody of the song, only some pieces of audio every now and then. But there it was --- what a cool radio experience !
19OCT2008  -  Still exhausted --- But money back !?
This day was not as good as expected. Early start for NA but nothing especially groovy. Later the keywords were Mexico, Midwest and Graveyards. KBMW, KDMO, WREY, WEBC, KTEL, KSBN, KGNW, KDBM, KRPL. EWTN 1400 a moment ago must be KIHH. Lots of common GY-stuff. Promising signals from OC in the afternoon. Right now Fiji comes in like a local (13:55 UTC).
18OCT2008  -  LURX schedule update - upcoming events
* "Quinn-Brando" competition has been canceled due to too good cx.
* Rehearsals for the great "Baden-Baden Race" have already been started.
* Bottles of Vichy water have been purchased for the upcoming "Deep Burple Contest".

Distinguished Finnish DX Authority has promised us the best cx ever for the next week thus several modifications have been made for LEM QTH. For example one room inside is now reserved for fast toilet service to improve DXing efficiency.
18OCT2008  -  Exhausted, part II
After enjoying incredible sunset cx to Iran we had some X-Aussies in the evening. After a good four hours sleep continuous monitoring from 23 UTC. At night we had to rent a K-KAR and drive pilluralli around Nebraska and neighborhood: Lincoln, Beatrice, North Platte, Spencer etc. It was OK even though we really had wanted to have a W-WAUNU but didn't find a dealer. Good DX whole day long, including NE-KS-SD-CO-WY-OR. Unfortunately we were not able to skip our pre-planned trip to Inari so we probably missed some goodies. KLIN, KWBE, KICD, KPOW, KTOQ, KNSS, KSID, KLAD, KVOW, KOOQ, KSOO, KVTK, KUGN. Added with some 500 more after all the recordings have been listened (the full list will appear in the 3rd quarter of 2010, maybe).
17OCT2008  -  Exhausted !
Continuous monitoring from 00 UTC. Nice Great Lakes DX in the beginning but we decided to buy a Cadillac with 1370 USD and drive more west. Cruisin' whole day long around all the Western states including the Axis of Evil (=WA-OR) even though we all are fed up with those stations. Some on-the-fly picks: WLJW, KUBC, KNRS, KGYN, KWSU, KPAM, KBZZ, KIML, KBLE, KWTL, KUTR, KBBO, KSYC, KMPC, KXPA. Also some cross-border fun with XEKT.
16OCT2008  -  Power struggle within LURX
We started to argue who's the Ace of the Aces in our team over here and decided to solve the problem using the classic "Quinn-Brando Method". If there'll be no good cx tomorrow we'll drive up to the Lemmenjoki River and figure out who's who.
16OCT2008  -  Ain't bad - but could be easier
OOB(ie Doobie) Aussies and some 151 most common Chinese, Pilipinos and Vietnamese in the evening followed by lowsy night --- and then in the morning all the gates were wide open from ARG to West Coast NA. This type of cx always sounds better than it actually is: so hard to find anything interesting. Mostly familiar West Coast stations. Some picks: KANN, KENT, WILS, KBAR. We are still waiting for the good cx, some real mälli/pläjäys.
15OCT2008  -  Ain't easy - but could be worse
Three discrete openings, 1-2 hours each. The following list contains just the peak of the iceberg: ((NIGHT)) Some CA, KHRT --- ((SUNRISE)) KHAT, KOVE, KSFB, KNFL, KLGN, KUIK, KKTL --- ((AFTERNOON)) KXRO, KBKW, CHQB.
14OCT2008  -  Goodies from Iberia
Heard this morning by our Iberia specialist ReNE Mäkikangas: RNE-1 Toledo 693 & RNE-5 Murcia 567 & RNE-5 Almeria/Huelva. ---- Booming signals from Japan one hour ago.
14OCT2008  -  Let there be light. Let there be DX.
The K-index value was getting lower so the cx recovery process was in the full swing. Some common AK & AF in the evening, nothing special at night. But then came the light (sunrise) and brought the DX as well: nice ECNA opening with stations like WNBH, WLOB, WKBK, WXBR, WPLM, WRHC, WENJ, WBAE and many more still waiting in the disks (the amount of work will be huge). "The Butcher of Veikkola" surprised our small community with RNE-1 Cabra 972. Later on the condition peak moved more west (KFNW, KVXR, KWIK, KZIZ). Finally some after-ski findings from Day 1: AIR Avadi 1395 & Port Blair 684.
13OCT2008  -  Going gets tough
Cx still poor due to the recent storm. Some NIG's noted at night (R Gotel, Yola 917 and BCOS Orita-Basorun 756). Poor NA strengths at sunrise, KAYS Hays KS stays as the best live catch. Couple of ID's found from yesterday's recordings, such as KAPL 1300.
12OCT2008  -  African night with some NA
Geomagnetic storm hit and the results were obvious: many Sub-Saharan countries were logged on MW including Benin (1566), Djibouti (1116), Botswana (909), Lesotho (1197), Mozambique (1260) and some UNIDs. After 00 UTC NA surprisingly opened for a while with stations from CO (KFKA, KGRE), ND (KHND), ID (KIOV) and OR (KFLS) among others. But that's it, everything faded away before sunrise.
The crew arrived to Lemmenjoki around noon UTC. The conditions were down and the equipment needed some maintenance, so not too much to log, but something from Europe and Africa though.
LEM264 pedition is starting from Helsinki today and has published own blogspot. The plan is to update news to that blog on daily basis, so latest news will be there. The blog will be available as long as it takes to go through the files after the pedition. So also the latest updated logs will be there. LEM News will publish only the highlights.
LEM263 by Håkan Sundman and Jim Solatie
Time to return to Helsinki. Some Chinese last evening with Korea and Japan, too. This Sunday morning just some La Plata, eg. Radio Bahia Blanca on 840.
No TA signals last night and this morning. However, Asia very strong in the evening. Mostly Chinese again, the sixth time on this pedition. No Aussies at all this week. From Tuesday's tapes we found WXBR 1460.
Geomagnetic field increased it's activity and took away almost all conditions. Poor night and morning with only few La Plata stations. In the evening just India. Time to enjoy some sleep.
Same pattern day after day: Brazilians at 21 UTC, then some NA all night long, peaking at 04-06 UTC with Venezuela. Chinese stations with huge signals at 15-16 UTC. No Aussies.
Perseus is recording the whole AM band for us every full hour during sunrise and sunset. Our work is to choose the antenna ... and to find all those new stations from the harddisks.
Lousy monday morning, only the dominant NA stations. In the evening some 150 most common Chinese, Pilipinos and Vietnamese. Thailand on 531 and 540.
This Lemmenjoki season started on the 27th September with some Irish stations: Hot Country 549 and TCR 1512.
Sunrise on the 28th was full of Venezuelan and US stations. No highlights yet, but hopefully there are some on the harddiscs. Outdoor antenna activities will keep us busy a few days, so there is no time to check the recordings yet.
Sunset on the 28th was loaded with Chinese, but no Aussies, not even the xbanders.
(c) Finnish DX-Association ry www.sdxl.fi
Editors: Esa Hänninen (EJH) 1978-2008, Tapio Kalmi (TAK) 2008-2022